OCD Handwashing and Germaphobia During Covid-19
Aside from doctors, nurses and others in the healthcare field, there are no other people who wash their hands as much as persons with OCD handwashing.
Now that we are told to wash our hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds every time we may come into contact with another person, a contaminated surface, etc., all bets are off for such handwashers. How do we help people with this issue control their anxiety and not let it get out of control?
Admittedly, even I am now washing my hands so often that they are raw. So let's think about a few steps that might help:
1.) Remind your child/young adult that handwashing is really necessary and appropriate when following the guidelines.
2.) Instruct them to completely dry their hands and apply some kind of moisturizing cream.
3.) Use a timer to reach the necessary 20 seconds and then end it when the buzzer go off. This way your loved-one can see and hear the set amount of time needed.
4.) Post a visual reminder in the house of when to wash hands, and when it is not necessary.
These are just a few suggestions as many OCD behaviors are going into overdrive right now.
Hope it helps.
—Carol K. Kennedy, Ph.D.